Total Record's : 120
মোট রেকর্ড : ১২০
# | Division বিভাগ | District জেলা | Community সম্প্রদায় | Name of the Heritage ঐতিহ্যের নাম | Short Title of the Heritage ঐতিহ্যের সংক্ষিপ্ত শিরোনাম | Concerned Community(ies)/Group(s) সংশ্লিষ্ট সম্প্রদায়(গুলি)/গোষ্ঠী(গুলি) | Threats in Practice চর্চায় হুমকি | Present Condition ↓ বর্তমান অবস্থা | Document নথি | Images ছবি | Video ভিডিও | Approval Date অনুমোদনের তারিখ | |
1১ | 2২ | 3৩ | 4৪ | 5৫ | 6৬ | 7৭ | 8৮ | 9৯ | 10১০ | 11১১ | 12১২ | 13১৩ | 14১৪ |
41. ৪১. | Rangpur রংপুর | Dinajpur দিনাজপুর | Hindu হিন্দু | Ras Mela of Kantajir Mandir Ras Mela of Kantajir Mandir | 'Ras Mela' or 'Ras Festival' of Kantajir Temple, falling in Domain 3 - Social practices, rituals and festive events. 'Ras Mela' or 'Ras Festival' of Kantajir Temple, falling in Domain 3 - Social practices, rituals and festive events. | Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত | 19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩ | ||||||
42. ৪২. | Rangpur রংপুর | Lalmonirhat লালমনিরহাট | Rural গ্রামীণ | Bishohora Gan Bishohora Gan | Bishahara songs of Lalmonirhat region are performed Bishahara songs of Lalmonirhat region are performed | Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত | 19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩ | ||||||
43. ৪৩. | Chattogram চট্টগ্রাম | Rangamati রাঙ্গামাটি | Chakma চাকমা | Sangrain 'Relong Pwe' (water pouring) Sangrain 'Relong Pwe' (water pouring) | 'Relong Pwe' or 'Water Festival' of Marma Community falls in the doman of 'Social practices, rituals and festive events' 'Relong Pwe' or 'Water Festival' of Marma Community falls in the doman of 'Social practices, rituals and festive events' | Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত | 19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩ | ||||||
44. ৪৪. | Sylhet সিলেট | Moulvibazar মৌলভীবাজার | Meitei মাইটেই | Thabol Chongba Thabol Chongba | A manipuri dance for young men and women A manipuri dance for young men and women | Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত | 19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩ | ||||||
45. ৪৫. | Sylhet সিলেট | Sunamganj সুনামগঞ্জ | Urban শহুরে | Life history of Radharaman Dutta Purkayastho Life history of Radharaman Dutta Purkayastho | Safeguarding the history of Radharaman Dutta Purkayastho, who was a literary lover, his knowledge of scripture was very good. He was also an author of Sylhty Dhamail songs, Baishnava Padaboli, Kirtans. Sections of Vaishnava terms, starting from prova... . Safeguarding the history of Radharaman Dutta Purkayastho, who was a literary lover, his knowledge of scripture was very good. He was also an author of Sylhty Dhamail songs, Baishnava Padaboli, Kirtans. Sections of Vaishnava terms, starting from prova... . | Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত | 19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩ | ||||||
46. ৪৬. | Rajshahi রাজশাহী | Naogaon নওগাঁ | Orao ওরাও | Karam Utsav Karam Utsav, a harvest festival | Karam or Karma is a harvest festival celebrated by the Oraon community in Bangladesh. Karam or Karma is a harvest festival celebrated by the Orao community in Bangladesh. . It is dedicated to the worship of Karam-Devta (Karam-Lord/God), the god of power, youth and youthfulness. | Oraon | No না | Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত | 23-09-2023 ২৩-০৯-২০২৩ | ||||
47. ৪৭. | Rajshahi রাজশাহী | Naogaon নওগাঁ | Orao ওরাও | Traditional dance of Orao community Traditional dance of Orao community | Men & women of Orao community of Naogaon and Joypurhat district of Bangladesh, dance for entertainment and ritual. But, when they performs for festivals and rituals, they wears specific dresses. Women wears white and red Shari with floral ornaments, ... . Men & women of Orao community of Naogaon and Joypurhat district of Bangladesh, dance for entertainment and ritual. But, when they performs for festivals and rituals, they wears specific dresses. Women wears white and red Shari with floral ornaments, ... . | Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত | 19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩ | ||||||
48. ৪৮. | Rajshahi রাজশাহী | Ch. Nawabganj চাঁপাইনবাবগঞ্জ | Rural গ্রামীণ | Gombhira গম্ভীরা | Gambhira is a local folk song and performance of Rajshahi region গম্ভীরা রাজশাহী অঞ্চলের একটি স্থানীয় লোকগান এবং পরিবেশনা | People of Chapainawabganj চাঁপাইনবাবগঞ্জের মানুষ | Yes হ্যাঁ | Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত | 20-09-2023 ২০-০৯-২০২৩ | ||||
49. ৪৯. | Rajshahi রাজশাহী | Bogura বগুড়া | Rural গ্রামীণ | Wedding songs of Bogra Wedding songs (বগুড়ার বিয়ের গীত) of Bogra | Wedding songs, though primarily performed during a social rite of passage of Domain 3, also fall under first two ICH domains of (1) oral expressions and (2) performing arts. Wedding songs, though primarily performed during a social rite of passage of Domain 3, also fall under first two ICH domains of (1) oral expressions and (2) performing arts. বিয়ের গীত ICH domain প্রথম তিনট, (১) মৌখিক এতিহ্য,(২) পরিবেশনা শিল্প, (৩) স... . | Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত | 19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩ | ||||||
50. ৫০. | Dhaka ঢাকা | Tangail টাঙ্গাইল | Moyra মায়রা | Porabarir Chomchom Porabarir Chomchom | Porabarir Chomchom. There is little evidence like makers of rosogolla, to prove who from Porabari first started making Chom chom. However, villagers claim a sweet maker called Dasharath first made this sweet in his village. Now the Ghosh and some Mus... . Porabarir Chomchom. There is little evidence like makers of rosogolla, to prove who from Porabari first started making Chom chom. However, villagers claim a sweet maker called Dasharath first made this sweet in his village. Now the Ghosh and some Mus... . | Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত | 19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩ |