Total Record's : 5
মোট রেকর্ড : ৫
# | Type of Heritage ঐতিহ্যের ধরন | Division বিভাগ | District জেলা ↓ | Community সম্প্রদায় | Name of the Heritage ঐতিহ্যের নাম | Short Title of the Heritage ঐতিহ্যের সংক্ষিপ্ত শিরোনাম | Concerned Community(ies)/Group(s) সংশ্লিষ্ট সম্প্রদায়(গুলি)/গোষ্ঠী(গুলি) | Threats in Practice চর্চায় হুমকি | Present Condition বর্তমান অবস্থা | Document নথি | Images ছবি | Video ভিডিও | Approval Date অনুমোদনের তারিখ | |
1১ | 2২ | 3৩ | 4৪ | 5৫ | 6৬ | 7৭ | 8৮ | 9৯ | 10১০ | 11১১ | 12১২ | 13১৩ | 14১৪ | 15১৫ |
1. ১. | Intangible Cultural বিমূর্ত সাংস্কৃতিক | Dhaka ঢাকা | Tangail টাঙ্গাইল | Moyra মায়রা | Porabarir Chomchom Porabarir Chomchom | Porabarir Chomchom. There is little evidence like makers of rosogolla, to prove who from Porabari first started making Chom chom. However, villagers claim a sweet maker called Dasharath first made this sweet in his village. Now the Ghosh and some Mus... . Porabarir Chomchom. There is little evidence like makers of rosogolla, to prove who from Porabari first started making Chom chom. However, villagers claim a sweet maker called Dasharath first made this sweet in his village. Now the Ghosh and some Mus... . | Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত |
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19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩ | ||||
2. ২. | Intangible Cultural বিমূর্ত সাংস্কৃতিক | Dhaka ঢাকা | Tangail টাঙ্গাইল | Urban শহুরে | 'Kirtans' of Tangail 'Kirtans' of Tangail | Kirtan and Kirtaniya of Tangail: Searching for art and tradition Kirtan and Kirtaniya of Tangail: Searching for art and tradition | Becoming less কম হয়ে উঠছে |
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19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩ | ||||
3. ৩. | Intangible Cultural বিমূর্ত সাংস্কৃতিক | Dhaka ঢাকা | Tangail টাঙ্গাইল | Manasamangal Performers মানসামঙ্গল পারফর্মার | Shaone Dala Shaone Dala (শাওনে ডালা) | Bangladesh a low-lying riverine country on the northern littoral of the Bay of Bengal is not just a confluence of rivers from the East, West and the North, but also a land that has witnessed the convergence of mystic beliefs from far and wide. Often... . Bangladesh a low-lying riverine country on the northern littoral of the Bay of Bengal is not just a confluence of rivers from the East, West and the North, but also a land that has witnessed the convergence of mystic beliefs from far and wide. Often... . | Marginalized rural Hindu and Muslim communities Marginalized rural Hindu and Muslim communities | Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত |
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19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩ | ||||
4. ৪. | Intangible Cultural বিমূর্ত সাংস্কৃতিক | Dhaka ঢাকা | Tangail টাঙ্গাইল | Rural গ্রামীণ | ঐতিহ্যবাহী টাঙ্গাইলের তাঁতের শাড়ী (Traditional Handloom Saree of Tangail) | The Tangail saree is a popular traditional woven saree that originates from Bangladesh. The name "Tangail Saree" is derived from the place where the weaving art has been practised for centuries. The saree is a long fabric that measures 5.50 meters in... . | Tangail sarees are woven by both Hindu and Muslim communities, known as "Basak" and "Jhola", respectively. The weaving process usually involves male w... . | Yes হ্যাঁ | Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত |
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20-02-2024 ২০-০২-২০২৪ | |
5. ৫. | Intangible Cultural বিমূর্ত সাংস্কৃতিক | Dhaka ঢাকা | Tangail টাঙ্গাইল | Manasamangal Performers মানসামঙ্গল পারফর্মার | Beillar Nachari/Lachari (Behular Nachari) Beillar Nachari/Lachari (Behular Nachari) | In Tangail district of Bangladesh popular folk performance of snake goddess Mansa is called Beillar Nachari/Lachari (Behular Nachari). In Tangail region BeillarNachari/Lachari narrative is performed by Muslimsof marginalized communities. This kind of... . In Tangail district of Bangladesh popular folk performance of snake goddess Mansa is called Beillar Nachari/Lachari (Behular Nachari). In Tangail region BeillarNachari/Lachari narrative is performed by Muslimsof marginalized communities. This kind of... . | Becoming less কম হয়ে উঠছে |
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19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩ |