❏ Heritage List, Tangail District ❏ ঐতিহ্যের তালিকা, টাঙ্গাইল জেলা
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Total Record's : 5 মোট রেকর্ড :
# Type of Heritage ঐতিহ্যের ধরন Division বিভাগ District জেলা Community সম্প্রদায় Name of the Heritage ঐতিহ্যের নাম Short Title of the Heritage ঐতিহ্যের সংক্ষিপ্ত শিরোনাম Concerned Community(ies)/Group(s) সংশ্লিষ্ট সম্প্রদায়(গুলি)/গোষ্ঠী(গুলি) Threats in Practice চর্চায় হুমকি Present Condition বর্তমান অবস্থা Document নথি Images ছবি Video ভিডিও Approval Date অনুমোদনের তারিখ
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10১০ 11১১ 12১২ 13১৩ 14১৪ 15১৫
1. ১. Intangible Cultural বিমূর্ত সাংস্কৃতিক Dhaka ঢাকা Tangail টাঙ্গাইল Manasamangal Performers মানসামঙ্গল পারফর্মার Shaone Dala Shaone Dala (শাওনে ডালা) Bangladesh a low-lying riverine country on the northern littoral of the Bay of Bengal is not just a confluence of rivers from the East, West and the North, but also a land that has witnessed the convergence of mystic beliefs from far and wide. Often... . Bangladesh a low-lying riverine country on the northern littoral of the Bay of Bengal is not just a confluence of rivers from the East, West and the North, but also a land that has witnessed the convergence of mystic beliefs from far and wide. Often... . Marginalized rural Hindu and Muslim communities Marginalized rural Hindu and Muslim communities Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত 19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩
2. ২. Intangible Cultural বিমূর্ত সাংস্কৃতিক Dhaka ঢাকা Tangail টাঙ্গাইল Manasamangal Performers মানসামঙ্গল পারফর্মার Beillar Nachari/Lachari (Behular Nachari) Beillar Nachari/Lachari (Behular Nachari) In Tangail district of Bangladesh popular folk performance of snake goddess Mansa is called Beillar Nachari/Lachari (Behular Nachari). In Tangail region BeillarNachari/Lachari narrative is performed by Muslimsof marginalized communities. This kind of... . In Tangail district of Bangladesh popular folk performance of snake goddess Mansa is called Beillar Nachari/Lachari (Behular Nachari). In Tangail region BeillarNachari/Lachari narrative is performed by Muslimsof marginalized communities. This kind of... . Becoming less কম হয়ে উঠছে 19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩
3. ৩. Intangible Cultural বিমূর্ত সাংস্কৃতিক Dhaka ঢাকা Tangail টাঙ্গাইল Moyra মায়রা Porabarir Chomchom Porabarir Chomchom Porabarir Chomchom. There is little evidence like makers of rosogolla, to prove who from Porabari first started making Chom chom. However, villagers claim a sweet maker called Dasharath first made this sweet in his village. Now the Ghosh and some Mus... . Porabarir Chomchom. There is little evidence like makers of rosogolla, to prove who from Porabari first started making Chom chom. However, villagers claim a sweet maker called Dasharath first made this sweet in his village. Now the Ghosh and some Mus... . Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত 19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩
4. ৪. Intangible Cultural বিমূর্ত সাংস্কৃতিক Dhaka ঢাকা Tangail টাঙ্গাইল Rural গ্রামীণ ঐতিহ্যবাহী টাঙ্গাইলের তাঁতের শাড়ী (Traditional Handloom Saree of Tangail) The Tangail saree is a popular traditional woven saree that originates from Bangladesh. The name "Tangail Saree" is derived from the place where the weaving art has been practised for centuries. The saree is a long fabric that measures 5.50 meters in... . Tangail sarees are woven by both Hindu and Muslim communities, known as "Basak" and "Jhola", respectively. The weaving process usually involves male w... . Yes হ্যাঁ Still maintaining এখনও রক্ষিত 20-02-2024 ২০-০২-২০২৪
5. ৫. Intangible Cultural বিমূর্ত সাংস্কৃতিক Dhaka ঢাকা Tangail টাঙ্গাইল Urban শহুরে 'Kirtans' of Tangail 'Kirtans' of Tangail Kirtan and Kirtaniya of Tangail: Searching for art and tradition Kirtan and Kirtaniya of Tangail: Searching for art and tradition Becoming less কম হয়ে উঠছে 19-08-2023 ১৯-০৮-২০২৩